鋼結構工程、Steel Structure Works,不銹鋼工程、金屬屋面、墻面系統、玻璃幕牆及百葉墻,玻璃隔斷、天窗.有蓋人行道、玻璃纖維欄杆平台、機電工程、工業起重機、水閘、浮動碼頭設施 、人行天橋、椿頂及地下支撐結構、路牌龍門架、玻璃欄杆、欄杆攔河扶手、沙井蓋,鐵器工程-煌鑫工程有限公司
商業 / 建築及建造CHEC GOLD Engineering Co.,Ltd 煌鑫工程有限公司

International Supplier of Architectural Products and Service
j商業 / 建築及建造jebgreater

Jetcool Kinco 5呎方形蛋糕展示雪櫃(3層), 配原廠LED燈. 原價5萬(有單據可找原廠檢查維修). 各大連鎖蛋糕店選用的牌子形號蛋糕櫃, 出廠後從未維修, 外觀及運作良好. 1500(W) x700(D) x1200(H) mm, 不透鋼機身 詳情可瀏覽官方網站: http://www.jetcool.com.hk/product_detail.php?id=2

Jewellery Photography, product shooting, fashion product shooting

Freelance Product / Industrial Designer - Included Consumer Electronics Design, Household Appliances Design, Houseware Design, Toy Design, Sport accessories Design, Gift, Licensed Premium Design, G

We are Japan Trading Company established in Hong Kong since 2009. We can help customer to develop OEM product on keychain or magnet. we also can help customer trade product from Japan to Hong Kong.

Product Design / 3D Modeling / 3D,2D Rendering / 插畫Illustration /Logo Design / 卡片Name Card Design / 傳單Leaflet Design
K設計 / 產品設計Katechiu

個人造型照 , 由星級化妝師化妝 , 包括1個造型及共5張修改之相片及其他基本光喑及調色之相片。(2人同行可享9折優惠,出示有效之學生証可享8折優惠。)產品攝影 需要致電查詢。
攝影及影音 / 攝影IZ Production

高桿燈柱30米,通信管塔,智慧燈柱,CCTV燈柱,水閘及防水閘工程,Water Gate And Engineering,啟閉機,壩頂門機,攔污柵,抓斗式清污機,工業起重機及橋式起重機工程,渣斗,儲藏及壓力容器安裝(氣缸及油缸),大型機械安裝,調試服務。
商業 / 建築及建造CHEC GOLD Engineering Co.,Ltd 煌鑫工程有限公司

不鏽鋼工程,Stainless Steel Works,建築的幕墻不鏽鋼件及天幕,玻璃攔河,外墻裝飾板,環保設備的水缸及機器設備平台及管線和不鏽鋼支架,沙井蓋,樓梯,雨棚,防火門,欄杆攔河扶手,中電及水務的不鏽鋼貓梯,平台,沙井蓋,不鏽鋼門及百葉-YAM GOLD
商業 / 建築及建造CHEC GOLD Engineering Co.,Ltd 煌鑫工程有限公司

挖掘及安裝鋼支撐系統,設計及組裝,填海圍堰設計,物料採購,製作及供應,鑽探鋼管及打樁鋼管的物料供應,S690型材的供應,Excavation And Installation Of Steel Support Systems, Design And Assembly.ELS-Works....
商業 / 建築及建造CHEC GOLD Engineering Co.,Ltd 煌鑫工程有限公司

Freelance Product / Industrial Designer - Included Consumer Electronics Design, Household Appliances Design, Houseware Design, Toy Design, Sport accessories Design, Gift, Licensed Premium Design, G

牌子: NISSIN座王ZAOU (與此link 一樣: https://www.medimart.com.hk/product/nissin-nah-f5na-f7-tilt-in-space-wheelchiar/) (配備防翻輔助輪, 輪椅前後傾角度達 – 4 ~ 30度) (原價HKD12000)

CHANz PHOTOGRAPHY 香港專業攝影師 人像攝影 婚禮攝影 企業攝影 宴會攝影 活動攝影 產品攝影 食物攝影 Portrait Wedding Event Product Food Party Photography

HP ENVY 5540 e-All-in-One Printer 全新未開箱 原價$898 現售$580 地鐵沿線交收, 如旺角/油麻地/奧運站可減價$30 產品介紹: http://www8.hp.com/hk/zh/products/printers/product-detail.html?oid=7234992#!tab=specs

I am professional in product design and I have over 7 years solid experience in product design, especially designing European style, US style electronic and electrical products.
設計 / 產品設計Dean Chan

Graphic Design,Pacakaging Design,Product Design,Power point presentation design

Chelston Ng Design , Freelance Design , Graphic , Product design ,3Dmodel,Render ,Package,Name card,Leaflet, Logo, Poster
C設計 / 平面設計Chelston Ng Design

Product Design,產品設計,3D model,Rendering渲染,Design Consultant,Branding,Toy Design,Furniture,Freelance
C設計 / 產品設計Chelston Ng Design
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